Bailey Bariatrics Testimonials

Kyle Hargrove, Bailey Bariatrics Patient

*Please note that results vary person to person and are not guaranteed.

It gave me a second chance, a chance to be who I really was. It's been a crazy ride since surgery, but I've loved every minute of it. The transformation into an entirely different person is not something everyone gets to experience. I consider myself lucky.

Sam Cowles, Bailey Bariatrics Patient

*Please note that results vary person to person and are not guaranteed.

This was the best decision I have made in my life. It has changed my life in many ways. I have lost a total of 206lbs since starting my journey!* I have lost 20 inches in my waist.* I went from a size 54 pants to size 32 and 5XL shirts to L & XL shirts.* The staff at Bailey Medical Center was great! Thanks to Dr. Varnell, Dr. Kirk and all who were involved in my journey! My advice to anyone who has questions about doing this program: it has changed my life and saved my life!

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